Informational Website
Barbie B & Friends

Assisting stroke victims and their families.


Barb On AirDyne BikeStroke Rehabilitation and Education

Rehab exercises will be prescribed in line with your acute and long-term needs. It is important to utilize exercise equipment that you are comfortable with, addressing your individual situation. For example, Barb has utilized a customized exercise bike. This has provided wonderful results because of its synchronous capabilities (meaning that both sides of the body are working similarly).

Further, Barb has found a unique way to combine therapies that allow her to make progress on multiple fronts. She utilizes the exercise bike that works both arms, legs and provides cardiovascular exercise. Prior to getting on the bike she will loosen up by doing a short regimen of core muscle exercises and range of motion daily. To compress therapy time, while on the exercise bike she does speech therapy with her assistant. This is a combination of cards and objects that she is able to respond to effectively while riding.

Commitment to your rehab program is critical. So many don’t embrace the value of consistent, ongoing therapy. One of the primary reasons that the BBF was established is because of Barb’s commitment to the process on both sides as a patient, having seen the value as a therapist, herself.

Committed to Physical Therapy as a Profession

Barb has always been committed to her profession as a physical therapist because she believes in the value of her work. Further, she saw the fruits of her labor every day with her patient’s recovery from their injuries. This commitment has been applied to her own rehabilitation. Because of her tenacity, she is walking and talking again.

You have a choice: either mope and cope or commit to your rehab. Many in Barb’s situation don’t survive or get out of bed again because of their mindset. Simply because of her commitment, her rehab process and strong family support, she has been able to put her life back together.

Many feel that their life is over… How will I every enjoy life again? Our experience told us: “life is not over, although it is different.” You control your destiny!

Be thankful for what you have. Friend, Family, Doctors, Therapist… this is your team, so use them to the best of your ability. This is hard to see at times but your focus for the future has to be positive or your recovery from your stroke will be much more difficult.

“Choose to be Happy & Positive about your future!”